Better, Faster, Stronger Settlement Demands in Minutes at Zero Cost to Your Firm
Resolve more cases and increase your firm’s efficiency with AI-generated settlement demands that can be invoiced to the case, lowering your overhead while increasing productivity.
Why Choose AI Demand Pro?
A fast, cost-effective, ethical approach to settlement demands!
Other “AI” Demand Writing Services | General “AI” Legal Assistants | ||
Immediate Demand Drafting (30 Minutes or Less) |
Yes. Receive your completed demand draft within 30 minutes of uploading your documents. | No. Advertised as two to 14 days, but actual user experience is usually a seven- to 30-day turnaround for a completed demand draft. | No. They do not specialize in personal injury demands and cannot deliver a complete settlement demand draft. |
Real AI Generation | Yes. AI Demand Pro is built upon the backbone of OpenAI and enhanced specifically and exclusively for drafting personal injury settlement demands through thousands of hours of testing and coding to provide the most thorough and complete settlement demand that AI can presently produce anywhere in the world. | No. Just an AI buzzword. They typically use some basic automation to assist third-party demand writers who actually draft the demand. No real AI is used, hence the two- to 30-day turnaround. | Yes. However, it is not enhanced for personal injury law or settlement demand drafting. It is primarily focused on research assistance and basic document summarization. |
Personal Injury Settlement Demands Specialization | Yes. We offer no other services. AI Demand Pro is exclusively created, optimized, and dedicated to creating immediate personal injury settlement demands. | Usually. They rely on third-party demand writers, who they have tried to train regarding personal injury settlement demands. | No. These generalized AI assistants can be great with small tasks and research assistance, but they are not specialized or optimized to produce personal injury settlement demands and cannot effectively do so. |
Flat Per-Demand Cost | Yes. Because we use real AI, it is the same per-demand cost regardless of whether your demand has 100 or 10,000 pages of medical records. You will never pay more than $600 per demand. For example, $450/demand in our Boutique Firm package, averaging 10 demands drafted per month. | No. Because they rely on third-party demand writers (i.e., humans) to do the work, the cost of the demand increases based on the number of medical records and providers that the humans must review. Actual cost ranges $600–$7,000+ per demand. | No. Because they don’t specialize in settlement demands, you are paying much more per month for a host of other services that provide minimal benefit to dedicated personal injury attorneys. |
Ability to Invoice the Demand Cost Directly to the Client’s Case | Yes. We will invoice you individually for each demand created at the per-demand cost under your monthly plan (e.g., $450/demand for a firm averaging 10 demands per month), allowing you to pass the entire cost of our service on to your clients. | Yes. However, not in a practical sense. Because the cost of many demands ends up being $1,000+ due to the number of medical records, it frequently becomes unconscionable to pass the cost onto client cases with these companies. | No. Because these generalized AI assistants focus on many tasks, they do not allow you to invoice the cost of demand creation to the client’s case. |
HIPAA-Compliant Redacted Medical Record after Uploading | Yes. When medical records and bills are uploaded to our system, the personal details (SSN/DOB/ETC) of patients are redacted before the data is submitted to AI for analysis to ensure that no sensitive personal information is ever given to AI in the process. | Unknown. Due to the lack of transparency in their process and use of AI, it is unknown if it is safe to submit client medical records to their systems. | Unknown. Due to the lack of transparency in their process and use of AI, it is unknown if it is safe to submit client medical records to their systems. |
Delivers a Completed Settlement Demand Draft (Requires Final In-Practice Review)* | Yes. Within 30 minutes, our AI provides a completed settlement demand that only requires basic attorney review before being sent to the insurance carrier.
*NOTE: No ethical lawyer should ever submit any document produced entirely by AI or a third party without reviewing the document first. |
Yes. After waiting two to 30 days, you will receive a completed settlement demand draft that still requires attorney review and revision before being sent to the insurance carrier.
*NOTE: No ethical lawyer should ever submit any document produced by AI or third-party demand writers without thoroughly reviewing the document first. |
No. In most instances, these generalized systems can only produce pieces of the settlement demand separately, requiring the attorney to piece it all together at the end and then review and finalize the demand.
*NOTE: No ethical lawyer should ever submit any document produced entirely by AI without reviewing the document first. |
Why Choose AI Demand Pro?
Settle more cases faster with less overhead using an AI tool designed by personal injury attorneys specifically for personal injury attorneys.
Immediate Demand Drafting
Receive your completed demand draft within 30 minutes of uploading your documents (rather than a two- to 30-day turnaround).
Real AI Generation
Built upon the backbone of OpenAI, AI Demand Pro is enhanced specifically and exclusively for drafting personal injury settlement demands through thousands of hours of testing and coding to provide the most thorough and complete settlement demand that AI can presently produce anywhere in the world.
Personal Injury Settlement Demands Specialization
AI Demand Pro offers no other services. We are exclusively created, optimized, and dedicated to creating immediate AI-generated personal injury settlement demands.
Flat Per-Demand Cost
Because we use real AI, we charge the same per-demand cost regardless of whether your demand has 100 or 10,000 pages of medical records. Cost is based on the number of demands created per month rather than the number of medical records and providers that typically require review. You will never pay more than $500 per demand, and the per-demand cost drops based on the number of demands being produced per month (i.e., more demands = less cost per demand). See our transparent pricing packages here.
Ability to Invoice the Demand Cost Directly to the Client’s Case
We will invoice you individually for each demand created at the per-demand cost under your monthly plan (e.g., $300/demand for a firm averaging 10 demands per month), allowing you to ethically pass the entire cost of our service onto your client’s case costs.
HIPAA-Compliant Redacted Medical Record Uploading
Delivers a Completed Settlement Demand Draft That Requires Only Final In-Practice Review*
Within 30 minutes of uploading your documents, AI Demand Pro provides a completed settlement demand that only requires basic in-house review by your competent staff or attorneys before being sent to the insurance carrier the same day.
*NOTE: Any legal document produced entirely by AI or a third-party company should ethically be reviewed by a lawyer or competent legal staff before submission.
How AI Demand Pro Works
Not just an AI buzzword. Immediate settlement demands drafted entirely on AI are finally here.
Upload Case Documents
Upload police reports, medical reports, medical bills, etc.
AI Summarizes Case Documents
AI Demand Pro summarizes documents into a complete demand package.
Download Your Demand
In 30 minutes or less, download a complete settlement demand that is ready for final review.
Get Started with
Faster Settlement Demands
Get a free sample demand created during a live demo of our software.